not just to survive but to thrive

JPIT have produced a briefing note in which they identify specific steps we can all take to reduce the carbon footprint.

Personal Steps, e.g. specific green energy providers you can swap to;

Church Steps, e.g.score your church overall, such as its management of buildings and land;

National Steps, e.g. join the campaign to get your MP to be a 'Hero for Zero';


Coming up soon . . .

Tuesday 23 Apr - Saturday 27 Apr
'The Addams Family' Musical Comedy
Saturday 11 May 10.00am
Prims Heritage Day at Mow Cop
Saturday 11 May 7.00pm
Wellspring Quiz and Supper
Tuesday 14 May 2.30pm
Coffee Shop Book Club, May 2024
Tuesday 14 May 7.30pm
Fashion Show at Wellspring
Sunday 19 May 3.00pm
Mow Cop International Pentecost Gathering.jpg
Saturday 22 Jun
Safari Supper at L Withington
Sunday 23 Jun 3.30pm
Farewell Revd. Yvonne