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Event: The Coffee Shop Book Club
Date: Wednesday, 29 November 2023,  7:15 -  9:15
Location: The Coffee Shop in Westwood House, Wagg St, Congleton

book clubbers reading

The Coffee Shop Book Clubbers welcome any member or friend of the Circuit's churches.

This is a relaxed, informal group: discussions go wherever an interesting idea takes us!

The book we are reading this time is Act of Oblivion, by Robert Harris.

Copies are available from Cheshire and Staffordshire Libraries.

If you want help with buying a copy, we can do that.  We usually buy 2nd hand from eBay.

Extra Info:

Parking is usually available behind Trinity Church.
There is also a large public car park nearby, accessible from West Street, near the Lion and Swan Inn. See the Trinity home page (Find the Church)
The area in front of the church is intended for people with mobility problems or who have an difficult load to shift.


Created By: Neil Munro
Contact: Enid or Neil Munro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.