Starter Kits for Creating Articles with Typical Page Layouts
- Do you want to create a new Article?
- Are you daunted by what needs to be done?
- Here are some starter kits for some typical page layouts used on the web site.
If none of these is right for what you want to do, please get in touch.
Starter Kit for an Article containing a story or a report with pictures fitting within the flow of the text.
Starter Kit to create a new notice to 'pin' on the Circuit Noticeboard.
Starter Kit for an Article containing a series of rows, each row containing an image with associated text.
Starter Kit for an Article containing a table of images, each of which is a link: 4 images per row, each image 135 pixels wide.
Starter Kit for an Article containing a table of images, each of which is a link: 3 images per row, each image 180 pixels wide.