About Key Green Village
Bridestones Stone-Age Burial Chamber Bosley Cloud Trig Point and 'Toposcope' Silver Springs Bleach and Dyeing Company Timbersbrook Info Point & Library!

We are very fortunate to have the ancient monument of The Bridestones so close by. These impressive stones which have been likened to Stonehenge, stand at the end of Gosberryhole Lane. They are the remnants of a Neolithic (4,000 - 2,500 BC) chambered cairn, situated on top of the ridge whose northern end is Bosley Cloud. In the late 1700s the monument still consisted of a cairn about 100 yards long, with three chambers. Sadly, the site was subsequently raided for road stone and building stone and is much reduced today.

Key Green Music Group (“Friends in Harmony”) is a group of Chapel members who have got together to make music for services in and around the area. There are seven members: three singers [one of whom plays recorder], two guitarists, one drummer and one percussionist. They have a varied repertoire both sacred and secular.

Coffee mornings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. They are very well attended by people from the village and Congleton, plus cyclists and walkers who just happen to be passing by. There is always a good supply of home-made cakes available and lots of home grown produce in season. These events have proved to be very successful and, during the time we have been operating, a huge amount of money has been made and donated to charities and to help with refurbishment of the kitchen at the Chapel.

Jumble Sales are held regularly in the Chapel and School room on Saturdays. You can buy anything from furniture to books, household goods, bric a brac, toys and clothes. They are very popular and a great fund raiser for the Chapel.

Occasionally the afternoon service at the Chapel takes the form of a Café Service. These are more informal services, with tea and cakes, which are very well attended. In addition, an open air service is held every year on the field at the back of the Church. Usually there is a band or a music group to provide the accompaniment for the singing. If the weather is good there is no place more beautiful to have a service.

Middlewich Events

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Coming up soon . . .

Thursday 12 Sep - Saturday 14 Sep
Trinity Operatic Show: Armageddon
Sunday 29 Sep 10.45am
Teddybear Picnic at Hill Top
Sunday 13 Oct 1.30pm
Chinese Christian Fellowship
Saturday 9 Nov 10.00am
New Road Poppy-Making
Sunday 10 Nov 10.45am
Biddulph Town Remembrance Sunday Services
Sunday 1 Dec 4.00pm
Thanksgiving and Memorial service
Sunday 22 Dec 6.00pm
Carols by Candlelight
Wednesday 25 Dec 10.00am
Christmas Day Celebration
Sunday 5 Jan 6.00pm
Business Blessing Service