Lower Withington Regular Activities

link to church home page

Coffee Cake & Chat

On the first Thursday of each month Rev Nic joins with members of the Church and any visitors for a coffee cake & chat at 10:30 until 12:00.

Everyone is invited, ladies, gentlemen and friends..... just drop in for coffee.

Baby & Toddler Group

The Baby & Toddler group meet every Tuesday at 10:00 am until 11:30am during term time only.

Note due to the Fire Damage to our building, this is currently held at Lower Withington Parish Hall.

What is included:
- craft activity
- drink and biscuits
- story
- children's band activities
- annual Christmas Nativity & party

Seniors' Group

The Seniors' group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 2:30pm until 4:00pm. 

Note due to the Fire Damage to our building, the Senior's are currently joining the coffee morning, we will reassess if this continues when the building is restored.

What do we get up to?:
- speaker / demonstrations
- tea & cake
- some outings are arranged
- annual Christmas party

Ladies Luncheon Group The Ladies Luncheon Group meets once a month on a Monday or Wednesday at a local venue for lunch at 12:00pm.

(See Church Notices each month for specific details)

Lower Withington Music Groups

Brass Band:
Lower Withington Chapel has a history of music dating back to the 1800s.  We have a very successful and active brass band who practise on a Monday evening at 7:30pm before various special events.  Each year the band will:

- lead the music for the annual Rogation Service in May on a local farm, where the land, livestock and crops are blessed.
- lead the music for the annual village carol service on the 1st Sunday in December at the Parish Hall.  This event brings together around 150 people from the village and surrounding villages to sing carols.
- go out over the Christmas period playing carols at houses and farms in the village and surrounding villages.  This long standing tradition has been taking place for over 160 years.
- lead the procession on the Village Rose Day.
- play at any special services and fundraising events in the village.

If you can play a brass instrument and are interested in joining please speak to the Church Minister to get a contact name.

Chapel Choir
The ladies of the Chapel Choir have always sung at our Easter, Harvest and Candlelight carol services. In 2021 we formed a new choir which also includes a few men. 

So if you are interested in joining the Choir please speak to the Church Minister to get a contact name.

We get together on a Wednesday evening at 6pm for rehearsals for a number of weeks before our Easter, Harvest & Christmas Services.





Lower Withington Events

Awaiting event entry

Coming up soon . . .

Sunday 13 Oct 1.30pm
Chinese Christian Fellowship
Saturday 9 Nov 10.00am
New Road Poppy-Making
Sunday 10 Nov 10.45am
Biddulph Town Remembrance Sunday Services
Saturday 16 Nov 9.30am
Foundation Safeguarding Training
Monday 25 Nov 1.30pm
Foundation Safeguarding Training
Sunday 1 Dec 4.00pm
Thanksgiving and Memorial service
Sunday 22 Dec 6.00pm
Carols by Candlelight
Wednesday 25 Dec 10.00am
Christmas Day Celebration
Sunday 5 Jan 6.00pm
Business Blessing Service